Oath Breaker: A Novel


It is two years since King Harold Godwinson was defeated at the Battle of Hastings. His son, Godwin, is in exile in Dublin and amassing an army of mercenaries to invade England and reclaim the English crown. At his side is Cadman, survivor of the battle and leader of a small band of English warriors.
As Cadman watches Godwin lose control of the wild mercenaries - and sees them ravage the land they had come to free - he knows that he can no longer serve Godwin with honour.

Exiled from his homeland, with nothing but his weapon-craft to sell, Cadman and his warriors travel to Byzantium to seek their fortune. On their journey they encounter Pecheneg raiders, and survive a shipwreck on the Black Sea coast, only to be captured by a company of the Varangian Guard. About to be sold into slavery, Cadman proves his ability as a warrior to his captors, and so enters Byzantium with a famous name.

In Constantinople, Emperor Michael is weak. Rivals plot to seize power. Conflict rages across the empire, ally becomes foe as one general betrays another in battles against Seljuk Turks and Norman adventurers. If Cadman is to survive, he must be as ruthless as those who stand against him.

Amidst it all, one good man fights to save the empire from the turmoil. Alexios, cousin to the emperor, needs Cadman’s skills to help him do so. The path to power is bloody and treacherous - and will show Cadman the price of honour and the value of an oath.